Residential Moving Insurance

We train our employees thoroughly to ensure that your belongings are protected by packing them properly to ensure safe transportation and unloading competently at the other end.
However, occasionally, no matter how hard we try or how careful we are, items can get damaged during a move. That is why we offer free basic liability protection.
Free Basic Liability Protection
Town Moving offers Basic Liability Protection for free. Already included in our rates is protection against possible loss or damage at 60 cents per pound per article. Coverage at 60 cents per pound per article ensures recovery at 60 cents, multiplied by the weight of the item or the carton it’s packed in. Thus, if an item weighing 20 pounds is lost or damaged, you can recover $12.00 for that item (60 cents x 20 pounds). This is minimal protection and your goods are probably worth considerably more.
Actual Cash Value Option
Actual cash value protection covers the depreciated value of your goods and is determined by such things as the cost of the item new, its age, its condition when received by us, and the value you declare. We may charge for actual cash value protection. We will discuss the rate with you and state it on the Agreement.
Full Value Option
Full value protection usually costs more since it will cover the replacement costs of any lost or damaged item. We may opt to replace, reimburse or repair the damaged item, according to the protection level you choose. Remember to declare items of extraordinary value. If you fail to do this, we may not be liable for the full value of those items regardless of the level of protection you choose. We may offer deductible in combination with full value protection. You are responsible for deductibles unless we lose an item. We will discuss the price for full value protection with you, and will state the rate on the Agreement.