Moving is complicated, stressful and full of the potential for mistakes or forgotten items. This is even truer when it comes to a business move because of the sheer magnitude of items and people. You’ve got office furniture, confidential documents, delicate technology, personal items of employees and much more that all needs to get from one location to another without being damaged or lost. Still think there’s no way you’d forget something? Think again!
IT Setup
There’s a lot more to potentially forget when moving a business than just Jimmy in Accounting’s office plant. First, are you planning to have your IT department do an initial sweep and setup at your new office before the other employees arrive? If not, you should. Minimize first-day pains in your new location by scheduling time for your IT team to set up all phones and computers before everyone gets there to make sure it’s all working as it should. By having them test and make sure everything’s working properly, you can eliminate several giant headaches when no one can get any work done that first day.
Changing Addresses
Next, did you notify all clients, business partners and office suppliers of your address change? Even that notecard supplier you haven’t ordered from in a year? Many businesses forget to update necessary parties of their impending move – something that can cause annoying problems months later when you assume everyone knows at this point.
The Human Factor
The human factor in an office move can be tough to manage, but it’s also important to get all of your employees on the same page and make sure that they’re updating any outgoing messaging – including email signatures, letterheads, and any marketing materials – with your new office information. Create a standardized email signature template that every employee must follow before the move. That way, it can be implemented easily and immediately once you transition to the new location.
Clean and Clear
And last, don’t forget to clean your office space. This may seem like a trivial detail, but the building manager won’t appreciate a mess left behind for them or the next tenants to clean. Be respectful of the building you’ve inhabited for whatever length of time you’ve been there and give the place a once-over before locking up for the last time. You wouldn’t want to open the doors to your new office and find a complete mess, and by giving everything a good cleaning, you can also eliminate the possibility that you left something behind on accident.
Making sure nothing is forgotten in a big office move requires that you stay organized. The team at Town Moving can help. We can handle getting everything from your old office to the new one, and can provide packing materials and even packing assistance to get everything loaded up and transported to your new location. Learn more about our commercial moving services today by calling us at (323) 600-5786.