No matter if you are moving a tiny apartment or a large one or if you’re moving from SF to LA there is so much to plan for when moving and frankly, it can be overwhelming! It’s stressful to decide what’s going with your from your old location to your new. It’s difficult to know what to pack first and what to pack last. What gets wrapped in bubble wrap? What gets simply tossed in boxes. We’ve got some helpful tips to hopefully make the process a little easier on you.
Ask Questions and Fill Boxes
When you are planning a move, the first thing on your checklist is to be sure that you are informed. When you are moving to a new Los Angeles apartment you’ll want to get in touch with your new landlord. This way you can make you move easier by asking things like: where you can park your car, where a moving truck is allowed to park, what amenities or utilities you should be aware of etc. Knowing what your new place can provide in terms of parking can make your moving day a whole lot easier! If you find out that parking is only available on certain days, hours or areas you can easily plan to be prepared for those rules.

Start packing now! Seriously, go! Getting things boxed up sooner than later can save you a massive headache. It also helps you better plan and organize your belongings. This can be especially true if you have been living in your current apartment for years. There’s a chance that you’ll run across belonging that had been tucked away and forgotten about. Starting your packing early on could mean finding things you might need in your new place that you thought you would have to buy all over again.
Utilities and Insurance
You may already have renter’s insurance so it should be simplest to easily switch your addresses. However, if you don’t have it, sign up now! Its as low as $5 a month for some companies and it can be incredibly useful if your property every gets stolen. It’s also great if you new place has a fire, water leak or other accident that causes damage to your personal property. Getting your expensive electronics and furniture covered could mean saving thousands of dollars in the event that they get damaged.
You need to also take some time to set up the utilities in your new place before you move. Imagine unpacking in the dark or without a running fridge or water? Yikes! If things like water and heat are included in your rent, that’s great. However, you’ll want to contact your current utility companies to plan to have you services canceled when you move.
Get Help from a Moving Company
This last time might seem obvious but hire a moving company! You might think you won’t need one or that it’s an expense that isn’t worth paying for. However, consider all the heavy furniture you may own or the expensive electronics you want to safely transport. When you load it into your own vehicle it may not fit or worse, it could shift around and become damaged. When you hire a moving company you get a professional team that shows up on time and can easily handle your furniture and belongings. You can depend on the experience of the professionals at Town Moving to help you move. Give us a call today to set your moving date: (323) 553-4034